E296 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

malic acid

Group : Suspicious
Warning : Pay attention when consumed by young children or babies!
Comment : Made from fruit or synthetically. Recommended to avoid its use in infants and young children.
Product Count ingredients
sugarless gum with sweetener and fruity taste (1) (19)
gum flavored apple (0) (13)
7up (0) (10)
iced tea nestea - berries (0) (11)
BBQ Ranch Burger (0) (25)
Premium McWrap Southwest Chicken (Crispy) (0) (28)
Бейк Ролс Домат (0) (13)
Плодов чай Pickwick (0) (3)
barni - кексче с ябълково-ягодов пълнеж (0) (14)
サイリウム ドリンク グレープフルーツ(10g×5袋入) (0) (4)
911 - 920 from total 937