E170 (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name :

calcium carbonate

Group : Safe
Warning : No evidence of adverse side effects
Comment : Mineral salt which is used in toothpaste, white paints, detergents. Can be extracted from rocks or bones of animals. Sometimes used to reduce the acidity of the wine and increase the stability of frozen fruits and vegetables. In high doses is toxic.
Product Count ingredients
Orbit chewing gum (1) (14)
white bread Lausanne (0) (7)
Quarter Pounder® with Cheese+ (0) (22)
Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese++ (0) (22)
Hamburger (0) (17)
Cheeseburger (0) (22)
BBQ Ranch Burger (0) (25)
Grilled Onion Cheddar (0) (19)
Мляко Humana 2 6-10м. 300гр. (2) (9)
Humana + Milchbrei Banane (1) (6)
481 - 490 from total 498