E420 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name :


Group : Suspicious
Warning : Laxative effect!
Comment : Sweetener which is prepared by a synthetic route from glucose or fruit. Used in sucking sweets, dried fruits, confectionery, sweets, low calorie foods, medicinal syrups, drops, and is one of the most commonly used preservatives in cosmetics. Can cause digestive disorders.
Product Count ingredients
wrigley's 5 gum cobalt Жевательная резинка Wrigley's 5 "Frost" со вкусом перечной мяты 36 гр. (0) (10)
Dolce Ticinese Classico (0) (4)
Jomo - Marmor Guglhupf (0) (8)
Tip - Rührkuchen Zitrone (0) (12)
M-Classic Haselnussmakronen (0) (3)
Lebkuchen Stern (0) (5)
Belight Joghurt & Frucht Erdbeere, Heidelbeere & Pfirsich-Maracuja (0) (11)
Lach Gummi SAUER (0) (5)
Milka Toffee Haselnuss Geschmack (0) (7)
десерт бонжур кокос (0) (12)
341 - 350 from total 2829