E401 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name :

sodium alginate

Group : Dangerous
Warning : Attention! Risk of choking for children!
Comment : Obtained from seaweed. Used in caramel products, flavored milk, thickened cream and yoghurt. In small amounts Absent adverse reactions. Large quantities can inhibit the absorption of some nutrients.
Product Count ingredients
Apfelstreusel Kuchen (0) (9)
Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese - Baileys Sahne-Windbeutel (0) (8)
Ritter-Sport: Schokowürfel Joghurt (0) (5)
Gut & Günstig - Eis Waffel Sandwich Classic (0) (10)
Cornetto Enigma Eis Vanilla und weicher Himbeerkern (0) (8)
мини круассаны "7 days" с кремом "карамель", 65г (0) (9)
сырок глазированный "ералаш" с какао (0) (8)
творожно- йогуртовый торт "черемушки" творожник 0,63 кг. (0) (6)
масло сливочное "хуторок крестьянский", 72,5 % 150 гр. (0) (5)
treska v majonéze 14 (0) (15)
331 - 340 from total 688