E950 (E 900-999 Other)
Name :


Group : Dangerous
Warning : It may be a carcinogen.
Comment : Non-caloric sweetener 200 times sweeter than sugar. Used in confections, frozen desserts, confectionery, dairy products, medicines, cosmetics, mouthwash, and especially in beverages. CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) includes artificial sweeteners - aspartame, saccharin and acesulfame K in its list of "Ten Worst supplements." They cause tumors in experimental animals and increases the risk of cancer development in humans.
Product Count ingredients
fisherman's friend (0) (5)
Bocks Blue Eukalyptus Halsbonbons (0) (3)
Coop Energy Gum Star (0) (14)
Stimorol Cinnamon Stimorol (0) (14)
Stimorol Fusion Strawberry-Lime (0) (13)
Stimorol Sugarfree Gum Strawberry (0) (14)
Serino лимонада (0) (10)
боза бомакс (0) (5)
Airwaves extreme (0) (11)
дерби лимонада (0) (5)
1 - 10 from total 842