E224 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

potassium metabisulphite

Group : Suspicious
Warning : With alcohol increases hangover
Comment : Derived from coal tar. All sulfur compounds are toxic and their use should be limited. Can cause an asthma attack. Tough metabolism in individuals with impaired kidney function. Destroys vitamin B1. Used in beer, soft drinks, dried fruit, juices, stimulants, wine, vinegar, tomato products.
Product Count ingredients
Lentilles au saumon fumé et sauce gravlax - 245 g - Monop'Daily (0) (15)
Salade & serpentini Poulet Emmental Tomates Crudités sauce au parmesan (0) (8)
Vinaigre balsamique de Modène aux agrumes (0) (4)
Burger de la mer - Saumon (0) (13)
Sauce samouraï (0) (7)
Sauce Burger (0) (7)
Vinaigrette huile d'olive citron 25% MG (0) (6)
Jus de citron jaune (0) (1)
Feinkost Dittman Pfefferonen Mild Pikant (0,95 EUR/100 g) (0) (4)
Бисквити закуска с какао, (0) (9)
11 - 20 from total 83