микс милк "молочный" (350гр)

микс милк "молочный" (350гр)

Ingredients Translate to English
сахар, патока, мука пшеничная в/с, жиры растительные, меланж, молоко сгущенное с сахаром, глюкоза, эмульгатор, влагоудерживающие агенты: сорбитол и монопропилен-гликоль; глицирин, сироп инвертный, спирт, какао-порошок, молоко сухое цельное и обезжиренное,
Product barcode '8001585001071' is produced in Italy .
Product causes the following disease : cancer , cardiovascular diseases - heart and cardiovascular system ;
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
- - - - 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
E310 (E 300-399 Antioxidants, minerals and acidity regulators)
Name : propyl
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Eczema, stomach problems
Comment : Used to prevent rancidity of fats. Can cause gastritis or inflammation of the skin, impaired circulation, and methemoglobinemia (impaired transport of oxygen from the blood to the tissues of the body). Used in various fats, margarine, sauces. Sometimes enter into the composition of packaging materials.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : Fructose-glucose syrup
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Consumption in large quantities is dangerous to health. The liver fails to process it instantly into energy and converts it into fat. Increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, insulin resistance and diabetes.
Comment : Provides the body with only calories without minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : hydrogenated vegetable oil
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Increases the amount of bad cholesterol, and is a factor in the preparation of cardio-vascular diseases. More dangerous than animal fats. It is believed it causes many other diseases: Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, disorders of liver functions belong.
Comment : There are trends in Europe and America to limit its use in food
E420 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : sorbitol
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Laxative effect!
Comment : Sweetener which is prepared by a synthetic route from glucose or fruit. Used in sucking sweets, dried fruits, confectionery, sweets, low calorie foods, medicinal syrups, drops, and is one of the most commonly used preservatives in cosmetics. Can cause digestive disorders.