E251 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

sodium nitrate

Group : Suspicious
Warning : May cause eye and skin irritation, shortness of breath, dizziness and headache, harmful by inhalation.
Comment : Used as a preservative for smoked sausage (sausage, bacon, ham, sausages), fish and meats, canned root. May cause eye and skin irritation, shortness of breath, dizziness and headache, harmful by inhalation.
Product Count ingredients
20629267 (0) (7)
Sandwich DE LUXE mit Schinken und Käse (0) (10)
Original Wagner - Big Pizza Salami Paprika (0) (7)
BWF - Soljanka (0) (19)
Teewurst Ove selin (0) (4)
паштет домашний традиционный "главпродукт", 315 г (0) (4)
сыр базирон с грецким орехом, "veldhuyzen kaas",4 кг (0) (3)
колбаса вареная телячья в/с 336г (0) (3)
Майстор Цветко - Телешка луканка по традиционна рецепта (0) (9)
Сух шпек Clever (0) (6)
1 - 10 from total 965